Customer Branding

Customer Branding functionality allows you to add a specific customer logo to the customer's Self-serve User Portal landing page.

The customised portal can then be accessed from the URL generated.

Add Customer Logo to Self-serve User Portal

  1. Click on the Customers icon in the navigation panel:
  2. The Customers page is displayed with a list of customers stored in the system.

  3. Click on the relevant customer to open the Customer pages.
  4. In the Overview tab - Branding panel click on Edit to open the Edit branding dialog.
  5. Search for and upload the customer logo.
  6. Image must be under 1MB, must fit within 1024x768 dimensions and be png, gif, jpeg or jpg format.
  7. Select Remove the current logo to replace any current logo with the new one.
  8. Click on Update branding to save and close the dialog. The new logo is displayed along with the Branded portal URL.
  9. The customer must access the Branded portal from this URL, therefore this link must be made available to end-users e.g. from the customer's web site.